Why Outsource?
- To enable you to leverage a global knowledge base and have access to world class benefits.
- To gain access to resources not available internally
- To delegate functions that are difficult to manage and control while still realising their benefits.
- To help you expand and gain access into new market areas.
- To increase productivity and lwoer labour costs, delivering a beneficial impact to you bottom line.

Why Outsource with Benchmark?
Feature of Benchmark Cost Solutions
Client Benefit
- Team leaders manage 15 staff maximum
Measured accuracy of 99.26%
Greater performance measures 200% increase reported
Not spread thin trying to manage 30+team members
450 staff supported with coaching, mentoring,
and incentives.
Staff retention of 98%
Retaining skills and expertise
- Australian management team share their time both in Australia and CBP Manila.
- Delivering a true understanding of Australian workplace and client expectations.
- Snapshot Reporting
- Clear and concise accuracy report Ulitisation report to enable us to identifty capacity for additional task to be added
- Our clients have full utilization of the staff member as a Full Time Employee(FTE)
Aligned to your business, tasks and culture only
They can wear your company logo/uniform
- Team leaders manage 15 staff maximum
- 200+staff supported with coaching, mentoring, and incentives.
- Australian management team share their time both in Australia and CBP Manila.
- Snapshot Reporting
- Our clients have full utilization of the staff member as a Full Time Employee(FTE)
- Measured accuracy of 99.26% Greater performance measures 200% increase reported Not spread thin trying to manage 30+team members
- Staff retention of 98%Retaining skills and expertise
- Delivering a true understanding of Australian workplace and client expectations.
- Clear and concise accuracy report Ulitisation report to enable us to identifty capacity for additional task to be added
- Aligned to your busienss, task and culture only They can wear your company logo/uniform
- Import Air Operations
- Export Air Operations
- Import Sea Operations
- Export Sea Operations
- FAK Registrations
- Transshipment Updating
- Telex Release Updating
- SC/Manefist Reporting
- Marine Insurance Updates
- Compiling
- Classification
- Customs Clearance (UK Only)
- EDN Lodgement
- Quarantine Reporting
- Customs Reporting
- Documentation Requests
- FTA Updates
- Order Regisration
- Chasing/Requesting Documentation
- Order Status Forwarding
- Chasing Agent Invoices
- Booking Confirmation
- Create and Send Pre-Alerts
- Autorating Client Rates
- Autorating Quotes
- Booking Couriers
- Forwarding Pre-Alert Advice
- Payment and Clearance of EDO's
- EDO Uploading and Validation
- Ad-Hoc Transport Bookings
- Timeslot Requets
- Job Registration & Invoicing
- Update Hazardous Docs
- Updates Empty Containers and De-Hire
- Accounts Payable (AP)
- Invoice Creation
- AP Reconcillation
- AP Disbursement Charges
- Accounts Receivable (AR)
- AR Bank Reconciliation
- AR Posting Remittances
- Customs Payments
- Autorating Costs
- Sub-Contractor Payments