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Minimise Employee Stress – Improve Business Productivity and Profitability

Modern day living is very fast-paced and people struggle to maintain a work-life balance. They have to deal with stressors in different forms and many of these stem from their workplace. Advanced technology, high levels of competition in every field, extensive commuting hours etc. aggravate this problem.

The expectation from employees is that they should respond almost immediately, even when they aren’t actually at work; this is a great stress factor for many. Employees face a number of other similar expectations and deadlines and are compelled to act quickly, often without the opportunity to think things through well.

Stress is undoubtedly one of the greatest inhibitors to employee performance. If your staff is stressed, their creativity levels take a hit. They’re not thinking very clearly, which also makes them more prone to mistakes. This impacts their morale and sense of well-being and affects your company’s bottom line too.

As a business owner, these are some things you need to keep in view. Making some changes in your workplace can help minimise employee stress, and consequently improve the productivity and profitability of your organisation as well. Even before you address this problem you need to be able to identify employee stress. Here are some pointers that will help you identify whether your employees are headed for a burnout:

Signs of employee stress

#1 Confusion abounds

If you know that your staff has been given detailed and clear instructions about the tasks assigned to them, and yet they show confusion, it is an indication of stress. Confusion is generally also the precursor to frustration.

#2 Distinct change in performance and behaviour

Any sudden alteration in behaviour or performance is an indicator that your employees are being affected negatively by their job. If you feel that an employee is showing up late for work, is taking longer than usual to wrap up tasks, or they seem defocused, it is an indication of stress.

#3 Physical indicators

Overeating, failure to eat, lack of energy, constant fatigue, redness of eyes and changes in skin colouring are all common indicators of stress. If you find that an employee is showing any of these signs, it’s important that you address the problem without delay.

#4 Mood swings

Stress can make people more vulnerable to mood swings, sometimes on a daily basis as well. Some signs you should be on the lookout for include anger, temper tantrums, frustration, and crying. Keep an eye out for other forms of disruptive behaviour as well. If an employee who is generally very happy, cheery and positive in the workplace suddenly starts to display negativity, is withdrawn and sullen or aggressive, you should suspect stress.

Some ways in which you can minimise employee stresses

Once you have identified that stress is affecting your employees and have also determined what the potential causes are, it ’s important that you look for ways to ease that stress. Not only will this improve the work experience for your employees, but your clients and customers will enjoy better customer service too. All of these things translate into improved productivity levels and profitability. Some of the things you can do to alleviate employee stress is to:

  • Ensure job fit
  • Maintain an open door policy
  • Discuss problems openly
  • Clarify your expectations
  • See how you can provide some opportunities where employees can unwind during their workday.
  • Set up a de-stress zone in your office where they can take quick breaks.
  • Provide workplace flexibility

Doing these things will go a long way in improving the work experience and creating a more conducive work atmosphere in your office. For effective and sustainable cost reduction solutions & efficiencies that will increase your bottom line, contact the experts at Benchmark Cost Solutions at this number – 02 9525 0777. If you prefer, write to us at this email address, and we will revert quickly.

Thanks for reading,
Benchmark Cost Solutions Team
02 9525 0777